If there’s no room in the Inn, don’t be discouraged. Maybe the universe is protecting you from dangers lurking with-inn. If the inn-keeper says, ‘try the cow-shed’, he might be providing a safe place away from inn-occupants (inn-sects) who just flew in, who might be traffickers of new-borns, or who might be carrying the Greek O: Omicron (Oh my God)! Sometimes it is better to be with the animals out in nature than with zessers texting whole night. The wise men may come bearing holiday best-gifts of safety advise in this torrid pandemic third-wave for T&T, like:
STAY AWAY FROM THE INN-CROWD: Find a safe place to play during the holiday season, i.e. play safe with laughing children. ‘Away in a manger’ (family bubble) is the safest place, but remember to check everyone’s credentials. Where you went last evening, boy?
EXPLORE NEW INN-SIGHTS IN SELF CARE: Develop slowly and deliberately a new self care plan. This is an intentional plan, not just what the gurus say, let your own inner guru have the final word. The Shepherds’ insightfulness; thinking silently while they walk. ‘No one can build you the bridge on which you, and only you, must cross the river of life.’(Nietzsche)
IF YOU CLIMB-INN YOU COULD CLIMB-OUT: There is no pit you cannot climb out of, provided you make the right effort at the right place. But above all you have to want to climb out. There is an energy source waiting to be tapped. Be quiet and silent this night.
LIVING WITH MIND AND BODY RELAXED: This is out natural state, our birthright. The pace of our lives often cause us to forget. Be gentle with yourself. Remember the art of slowing down: relaxation is the tonic for the whole being, liberating vast resources of energy.
GRIEVE QUIETLY: Its okay to be sad. Sad is not bad. This is the season for old memories of loss to come crashing back. Welcome them with open arms; discover the reason for this emotional memory’s visit; balance grief with gratitude. Listen to some appropriate music.