Ronald Tagallie has been employed at Elder Associates Limited for 28 years. During that time he has functioned as a therapist and trainer. During the last few years he has served the organization as a member of the Executive Management Team.
He is presently Director of the company’s Trauma Unit, leading a team of therapists that provides Critical Incident Stress Debriefing (CISD) sessions in response to workplace trauma.
His academic background includes studies in Philosophy, a Bachelors degree in Theology (UWI) and a Masters degree in Social Planning (University of Wales).
A family man at heart, Mr. Tagallie has a passion for impacting on the lives of all those he encounters. He is also a member of the RC Archdiocese of Port of Spain Synod Team on Synodality 2021-2023 instituted by Pope Francis for the Catholic Church.