COVID-19 Office Safety Precautions Notice

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to provide support and telehealth services to you during the period of lockdown. Following the guidelines of the Ministry of Health, we closed our four offices on March 31, 2020. We are pleased to inform you that we will re-open to provide in-person services on MONDAY JUNE 1, 2020 at 8:00 a.m. All guidelines provided by our Ministry of Health will be adhered to. Thank you for your continued support of our service.

Elder Associates Limited has taken the following precautions to protect our clients, Care Team members, vendors and members of our community to help slow the spread of the coronavirus.

  • Office seating in the waiting room and in counselling/testing rooms has been arranged for appropriate physical distancing.
  • Each person entering our premises must wear a mask.
  • Our Care Team members maintain safe distancing.
  • Restroom soap dispensers are maintained and everyone is encouraged to wash their hands upon arrival at our office.
  • Hand sanitizers that contain at least 60% alcohol are available in the waiting room, counselling/testing rooms and at the reception counter.
  • We schedule appointments at specific intervals to minimize the number of people in the waiting room and office.
  • We ask all clients to wait in their cars until no earlier than 5 minutes before their appointment times.
  • Credit card pads, pens, clipboards and other areas that are commonly touched are thoroughly sanitized after each use.
  • Physical contact is not permitted.
  • Tissues and trash bins are easily accessed. Trash is disposed of on a frequent basis.
  • Common areas are thoroughly disinfected at the end of each day.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Paradigm Shift During A Global Pandemic

As we continue to evolve around what appears to be the ‘new norm’ of being stuck inside, working remotely, etc., it seems as though time has become irrelevant in this age of COVID-19. It can help to remember that literally billions of other people are in the same boat. Let us look at some tips to deal with COVID19 cabin fever

Elder Associates Limited continues to take the health and safety of our Care Team members, clients, vendors and other supporters very seriously.

Therefore, in adherence to the implementation, and further extension, of the national ‘Stay at Home’ directive of all non-essential services, please be advised that our area offices will be closed from Tuesday March 31, 2020 to Thursday April 30, 2020, unless otherwise notified.

The following will be in effect until further notice:

  • All counselling services scheduled during this period will be cancelled and rescheduled.
  • Clients will be advised of the availability of telephonic counselling services, as requested.
  • Clients can call in for telephonic counselling as requested.
  • 24/7 Hotline counsellors will provide services as scheduled.
  • Debriefing sessions for workplace trauma can be facilitated via conference calling.
  • Virtual workshops can be conducted with support from your IT personnel.

The hotline number is: 622-6594

We encourage each other to continue to follow the guidelines and protocols set forth by the offices of the Trinidad & Tobago Ministry of Health, the Chief Medical Officer, the Ministry of National Security, and the Ministry of Communication as we all seek to flatten the curve.

– Updated from 04/01/2020 –

As we continue to adapt to the difficult and challenging changes of the COVID-19 global pandemic, let us seek to re-invent ourselves by changing the way we think. –

Elder Associates Limited takes the health and safety of our Care Team members, clients, vendors and other supporters very seriously.

Therefore, in adherence to the implementation of the national ‘Stay at Home’ directive of all non-essential services, please be advised that our offices will be closed from Tuesday March 31, 2020 to Wednesday April 15, 2020, unless otherwise notified.

The following will be in effect until further notice:

  • All counselling services scheduled during this period will be cancelled and rescheduled.
  • Clients will be advised of the availability of telephonic counselling services, as requested.
  • 24/7 Hotline counsellors will provide services as scheduled.

We encourage each other to continue to follow the guidelines and protocols set forth by the offices of the Trinidad & Tobago Ministry of Health, the Chief Medical Officer, the Ministry of National Security, and the Ministry of Communication as we all seek to flatten the curve.

– Updated from 03/25/2020 –

PARADIGM SHIFT: “a time when the usual and accepted way of doing or thinking about something changes completely”

The current ever-changing COVID-19 global pandemic has impacted every one of us in both work and life experiences. A paradigm shift has the power to help us change our negative thoughts to positive ones and to embrace these changes as a catalyst to better work and life outcomes.

Elder Associates Limited is here to help you navigate these new and challenging waters by continuing to open our offices to provide counselling and other services in a safe, clean, and sanitized environment. Our aim is to keep everyone safe by minimizing exposure to EAL Care Team members, clients, vendors, and others.

We encourage each other to continue to follow the guidelines and protocols set forth by the offices of the Trinidad & Tobago Ministry of Health, the Chief Medical Officer, and the Ministry of National Security. Let us each develop that paradigm shift of the way we think to trigger wholesome and positive behaviours, and protect our mental health and well-being.

The following are some key resources to provide up-to-date information and best practices:

#18 Millennials: Family and Career Expectations


Being a child whose parents have largely contributed towards their upbringing, and worked hard to give them the best of everything that they possibly can, it is but natural for them to keep certain expectations from their children when it comes to their achievements and accomplishments in life. By virtue of being human, every child has certain dreams and ambitions that they wish to achieve at some point in their lives, which has the tendency to stress them out every once in a while. However, the stress experienced by children amplifies over time, especially when they come to realise their parents are also rooting for them to live up to their expectations and hopes.

Every parent wants their child to be the best in their field, and ace everything that they ever attempt to do. This may, at times, cause them to set the bar really high; so much so that it may even lead to them having unrealistic expectations from their children. Despite the fact that such expectations are kept keeping in mind the best interests of the child; many-a-times parents may unknowingly end up putting constant pressure over them to achieve their parental dreams and ambitions. It is thus important that parents both acknowledge as well as accept the significant differences between pressure and motivation


#17 Millennials: How Important is Your Mental Health?

Millennials are experiencing higher levels of anxiety, depression, and thoughts of suicide than generations past. Many reasons have been offered but none definitive, until now. A new study finds that this generation carries much higher levels of perfectionism, and that these elevated expectations may be to blame. UK researchers came to these conclusions, which were published in the journal Psychological Bulletin.