#14 – Are You Being Sexually Harassed?

What is considered sexual harassment at work? Sexual harassment in the workplace is a form of discrimination that includes any uninvited comments, conduct, or behavior regarding sex, gender, or sexual orientation. All employees – of any position, from management to entry-level or hourly staffers – should be aware of what qualifies as workplace harassment and avoid these behaviors or report them if they occur.

Sexual harassment isn’t limited to making inappropriate advances. In fact, sexual harassment includes any unwelcome verbal or physical behavior that creates a hostile work environment.


Healing T&T of Violence

Featured in September 5th’s copy of the Newsday, were Dr. Patricia Elder and Dr. Natalie Humphrey, founder and Clinical Director (respectively) of Elder Associates Limited.

Here they give a detailed background which served as the inspiration for our upcoming “Transcending Boundaries Together” Annual Conference whose theme is “Violence Prevention – An Integrated Community Approach”.

The conference, which also commemorates our 25th Anniversary, takes place on September 14th 2018, at the Hyatt Regency Trinidad, and is open to the public.

For more details, please give us a call at 622-6594 or click here: Annual Conference 2018

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